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About Paul Fusco and G&F Marketing

The idea of creating a company that specializes in coordinating fund drives for non profit organizations came about 30 years ago on a softball field. I was playing softball with the guys of a local fire department and they were talking about their upcoming fund drive. At that time, the fire department decided insurance for their annual fair was too expensive and they would walk knock on doors will you have to knock on and the answer of over 9,000 floored me.

I mentioned I have extensive computer and data processing background and would like to help develop a fund drive program for their department. A meeting was scheduled with the chief of the department and two weeks later G&F Marketing Systems was born.

Over the years we have expanded our services to not only include fire departments, but also ambulance corps, PBA's, American Legions and various other non profit companies in New York and New Jersey. Our ability to increase fund drive profits, meet deadlines and produce a professional product has made us a leader in our industry. I am very proud for our friendly staff, reliability and professional personalized service.



Make sure you are getting the lowest rate possible. We are certified by the USPS to get the lowest possible rates allowable for our clients. If you are not up to date you could be paying to much for your fund drive postage.


Data Processing


In addition to complete list updates, we perform general file maintenance everytime your fund drive is mailed. End of fund drive final reports are provided upon request.



Printed color posters are a great way to visually communicate with your target audience in a high impact visual format. With printed posters, you can

announce and promote events, such as recruitment for your department. Call us today to talk about making a poster that fits your needs.

Schedule A Meeting
g & f marketing

As a hands on owner Paul has many years of experience. He can help you make your fund drive more successful. Schedule a consultation meeting today!

Post office

United States Post Office


Our home post office is located in Ronkonkoma. Talk to us about your options.

intelligent mail bar code

Intelligent Mail Bar Codes


New Postal regulations requiring intelligent mail bar codes are no problem for G & F. We are certified to handle it all.

post office

Bulk Mail


No one is more experienced with bulk mail than us. Our on time performance is surpassed by none!

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